Lymor Wolf Goldstein

Lymor Wolf Goldstein

Location: Berlin, Germany

Human rights lawyer and political activist, transplanted from Jaffa to Berlin in the exploration of new landscapes. Master’s in Cognitive Studies of Language, with a taste for Babylonian confusion.


Digital Culture and Society
Intercultural Learning as an Interactional Achievement in a Digital Space
Interculturality and decision making: Pursuing jointness in online teams
Language and Interculturality in the Digital World
LGBTQ+ and Feminist Digital Activism
Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies
Online Consumer Reviews and Management Responses: Intercultural Service Encounters in the Digital World
Peer feedback in intercultural online communication: Theoretical and practical considerations for English language teaching
Researching Digital Life: Orientations, Methods and Practice
Schema F
The Anthropology of Digital Practices: Dispatches from the Online Culture Wars
Virtual Exchange as a Mechanism for Digital Education
Deutsch-Chinesische Perspektiven interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz
Truan N.A.L. & Fischer F. (2023), Die digitale Hashtag-Kampagne rund um #CoronaEltern und #CoronaElternRechnenAb: Twitter-Positionierungspraktiken in der Pandemie
Capturing Fine-Grained Regional Differences in Language Use through Voting Precinct Embeddings
De los debates globales a las prácticas locales: pedagogías emergentes para el fomento de la interculturalidad en el aula de español para adultos migrantes
Debriefing für die interkulturelle Teamentwicklung – methodische und beziehungstheoretische Überlegungen
Editorial of Interculture Journal special issue: "Re-Thinking Interculturality when Working with Clients, Volunteers, and Teams"
English as a lingua franca and interculturality: navigating structure- and process-oriented perspectives in intercultural interactions
Gerard Delanty (2009): The Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Renewal of Critical Social Theory
Navigating theory and practice in intercultural language teaching: Challenges faced by a pre-service language teacher in enacting an interpretive perspective in classroom interaction
Systematic Vulnerabilization of Migrant Students. How the Dialogic Approach can clear the Way for a Change
Towards Designing a User-Centered Local Community Platform to Foster Social Cohesion in a Multi-Generational Smart Community
Truan N.A.L. (2023), "I am a real cat" : French-speaking cats on Twitter as an enregistered variety and community of practice
Creating Intercultural Communicative Competence Through Virtual Collaboration
Falcon als Schwarzer Captain America – Diskussionen über Repräsentation und (Cyber-)Rassismus im Marvel-Universum
Introduction to the Special Issue on ‘Textures of Diaspora and (Post-) Digitality: A Cultural Studies Approach’
Representations of Otherness: How Literature Reflects Implications of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence on Humaneness and Societies
Caring and Power-Sharing: How Dialogue Influences Community Sustainability
The need to provide students and educators with the tools to cross the digital divide
Virtual Exchange to Develop Cultural, Language, and Digital Competencies
Was ist richtige Sprache in digitaler Gesellschaft? Von der Gutenberg zur Alexa Galaxie


University assistant (praedoc) Technosciences, Materiality, and Digital Cultures
Associate Professor in Digital Culture
Associate Professorship of Digital Culture
Postdoctoral researcher “Governing the Digital Society”
Assistant Professor in Digital Media and Communications (specialising in VR/Video Game) (Research and Education)
Junior Researcher (postdoctoral) for Project on Digitalization in the Global South
Lecturer Digital / Computational Sociology
PhD position Digital Inclusion and Migration
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Digital Culture - 2 positions
Assistant Professorship/Associate Professorship in Digitalisation with a focus on digital methods
Assistant Professor in Urban & Mobile Media for Inclusive and Sustainable Cities with a profile in New Media and Digital Culture
Lecturers in Digital Media with research interests in Artificial Intelligence
PhD Student Position: Meaning In Life in the Digital Society
Assistant Professor in Media and Digital Cultures
Research Associate DFG-Project „When is a Like a Like?“
lecturer in sociology with expertise in ‘race’/ethnicity; health; ageing; social media & social networks (quants) and surveys
Postdoctoral researcher in Digital Sociology for the project Postdigital Propaganda
Postdoc in Human Centered Adaptive Web
Director of Education
Associate / Assistant Professor in Communication (Public Relations)
Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture
Assistant Professor in Digital Aesthetics and Platform Vernaculars
Professor in Media and Communications/Digital Cultures

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