Professor of “Interface Cultures/Critical Data”

The University of Arts Linz invites applications for a full-time position as University Professor of “Interface Cultures/Critical Data” at the Institute of Media in the Department of Interface Cultures starting on 1 October 2025 according to Section 98 (1) of the Austrian Universities Act (UG 2002). The monthly salary of €6,362.50 (before tax and deductions) is based on Section 49 (1) of the collective bargaining agreement. The possibility of a higher salary can be part of the appointment negotiations. The contract term is initially limited to five years. Permanent employment is possible. The Department of Interface Cultures at the Institute of Media works, teaches, and researches at the confluence of media/digital art, interactive art, interface design, and participatory practices at the intersection of art/design, technology, society, and research, artificial intelligence, and generative technologies, and critically examines these (from different perspectives – for instance, feminist and critical AI). “Big data”, the increase in data-driven technologies and infrastructures, and the omnipresence of immersive generative technologies have greatly changed the significance of interfaces in recent years. Thus, it is all the more important for prospective artists/designers/researchers in the English-language Interface Cultures master’s programme to explore and discuss the social, cultural, ethical, and political implications of big data, algorithmic bias, intersectional forms of power, racism and inequality, the possibilities of analysis, and the critique and design of datafied technologies and presences. We are looking for an internationally recognised individual at the interface of interactive media/digital art, interface design, and critical data studies who can supervise, teach, and develop, together and independently, current cross-disciplinary issues and artistic or curatorial positions and strategies. The “Interface Cultures/Critical Data” professorship encompasses the fields of machine learning, dataveillance, datafication, digital ecology, algorithmic bias, open data, data feminism, and race & technology. Applicants should have an above-average track record in the arts, curatorial, or artistic research practice, and excellent international connections. The call for applications is aimed at artists and artistic researchers or arts-based researchers who can demonstrate subject-related expertise and independent research and/or artistic activities. University teaching and leadership experience are required. Interface Cultures is an English-language study programme, which means that the courses are taught exclusively in English. Essential Qualifications: · Art and/or arts-based research degree from a university, university of applied sciences, or an academy · Own artistic and/or research work as well as outstanding artistic and/or arts-based research or scholarly qualifications · Artistic, art-based research, or academic PhD or doctorate · Profound knowledge of media art / digital art / critical data / artificial intelligence · International connections in the art and exhibition world · Several years of international experience at the border between art and science · Experience in organising and/or managing projects · Outstanding teaching skills as well as teaching experience in the tertiary sector · Experience in supervising master and PhD students · Oral and written language skills in German and English · Gender and diversity competence, sensitivity and awareness to all forms of discrimination Desired Qualifications: · Ability to work in a team and good social skills · Teaching in English · Willingness to participate in university committees · Design and development of formats for communicating projects in art and science education · Organisational and administrative skills · Promotion of young academics / artists · Experience in acquiring third-party or project funding
University of Arts Linz
Deadline: 07.02.2025
Start date: 01.10.2025
Location: Linz, Austria
Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein