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Handwerkszeug für Mitstreiter:innen und Verbündete (2024)
keywords: Journalismus, Diversität, Hassrede, Diskriminierung, Diversity-Guide
Die Neuen deutschen Medienmacher*innen


Language(s): German

Als Zusammenschluss von Medienschaffenden mit unterschiedlichen Geschichten, Perspektiven und Wurzeln setzen wir uns dafür ein, den Journalismus in Deutschland vielfältiger zu machen. Sowohl vor als auch hinter den Kulissen, in der Berichterstattung und an den Redaktionstischen. Und damit es nicht bei bloßen Forderungen und leeren Versprechen bleibt, liefern wir das Handwerkszeug gleich mit. Auf den folgenden Seiten sammeln wir unser geballtes Wissen zum Thema Diversität im Journalismus, praktische Anleitungen und nützliche Werkzeuge. Von unserem jährlich aktualisierten Glossar mit Formulierungshilfen und Begriffen für die Berichterstattung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft über unseren Diversity-Guide für Redaktionen bis hin zu unserem Helpdesk gegen Hass im Netz.

Countering online hate speech (2015)
keywords: counterspeech, online hate, hate speech online, counterspeech strategies
Danit; Alves , Gabriela , Gagliardone , Iginio; Gal , Thiago; Martinez

Other type

Language(s): English

The opportunities afforded by the Internet greatly overshadow the challenges. While not forgetting this, we can nevertheless still address some of the problems that arise. Hate speech online is one such problem. But what exactly is hate speech online, and how can we deal with it effectively?As with freedom of expression, on- or offline, UNESCO defends the position that the free flow of information should always be the norm. Counter-speech is generally preferable to suppression of speech. And any response that limits speech needs to be very carefully weighed to ensure that this remains wholly exceptional, and that legitimate robust debate is not curtailed.

Language and Power in Remote Teams (2023)
keywords: virtual teams, remote teams, power, language, lingua franca, engagement, trust
Hong Van Nguyen , Milene Mendes de Oliveira


Language(s): English with subtitles

How does language reinforce power imbalances in remote teams? And how can multilingualism be used as a resource to empower teams? This educast explores some fruitful strategies.

Cosmpolitanism Social Media Engagement (2023)
keywords: postdigital, cosmpolitanism, social Media, civic engagement, activism
Hong Van Nguyen , Roman Lietz


Language(s): English with subtitles

How can we counteract fake news and hate speech online? Check out our educast on cosmopolitan social media engagement for some ideas.

What impacts personal engagement? (2023)
keywords: dialogic facilitation
Hong Van Nguyen , Luisa Conti


Language(s): English with subtitles

What encourages people to engage as participants of a workshop, as members of a team or a community? And what stops them from doing so? Our educast offers suggestions on how you can increase participation in your group.

What is Postdigital Cosmpolitanism? (2023)
Fergal Lenehan , Hong Van Nguyen


Language(s): English with subtitles

What is cosmopolitanism? What does postdigital mean? And how can these concepts be combined to work on re-imagining a fairer, truly global internet? Tune into our educast to find out!

The Cosmopolitan Promise of Translation Apps (2023)
keywords: translation, AI , cosmopolitanism
Bernd Meyer , Roman Lietz


Language(s): English

This presentation was part of the ReDICo Online Conference 2023 “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond.” Bernd Meyer (University of Mainz) and Roman Lietz (University of Mainz)

#Turow -Debating the Mine on Twitter (2023)
keywords: transcultural discourses, social media
Martina Berrocal , Nadine Thielemann


Language(s): English

This presentation was part of the ReDICo Lecture and Discussion Series in Digital Interculturality.

Understanding Socio-Cultural Change: Reflections on Cosmopolitanism & Europeanisation (2023)
keywords: cosmopolitanism, europeanisation
Gerard Delanty


Language(s): English

recorded presentations from ReDICo's second conference