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Find materials (educational videos/podcasts, guidelines, e-learning platforms…) in the field of digital interculturality and post your own resources. Our database allows you to search for resources by title, keyword, author, and year.

WOODRUFF cast | The Art and Meaning of Internet Memes with Aidan Walker (2025)
Frederick Woodruff


Language(s): English

ART REVEALS AND EXPLAINS more than historical text. Art can also be prophetic, telegraphing trends and nascent ideologies before they are articulated in the culture. Art is the ultimate arbitrator of a multi-dimensional chronology of life on our planet. With that idea in mind, I wanted to discuss the phenomenon of internet memes with Aidan Walker , the author of the How to Do Things With Memes newsletter of Substack—and my guest today on the WOODRUFF cast. It’s easy to dismiss memes as cyber effluvia, but as Aiden explains in our discussion, they represent more than we imagine.

MKV-podden | Live-podd: The Digital Backlash in Education (2025)
Ingrid Forsler , Saga Hansén


Language(s): English

Panel discussion The hype surrounding digital technologies in education has now partly been replaced with a opposite tendency where schools worldwide are going back to printed books and banning mobile phones from the classroom. At the same time, digital technologies are deeply embedded in educational practices and the global ed-tech industry is thriving. In this panel, four distinguished researchers from the field of media and education give their perspectives on this development: · Neil Selwyn, Professor in the Faculty of Education (Monash University, Australia) · Petar Jandrić, Professor of Information Science (Zagreb University of Applied Science, Croatia) · Felicitas Macgilchrist, Professor of Digital Education and Schooling (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany) · Sarah Hayes, Professor of Education and Research Lead (Bath Spa University, UK)

New Books in Critical Theory podcast | Feminist Fandom: Media Fandom, Digital Feminisms, and Tumblr (2025)
Dave O'Brien


Language(s): English

What is the connection between fan culture and feminism? In Media Fandom, Digital Feminisms, and Tumblr (Bloomsbury, 2023), Briony Hannell, a lecturer in sociology at the University of Manchester, explores the intersection of fandom, in a variety of forms, and feminist discourses on social media. Using an in-depth case study of Tumblr, the book charts the creation of a community of feminist fans, showing how the sense of being a feminist and belonging to a digital community are created and maintained online. The analysis also reflects on how this community includes and excludes particular social groups, showing the potential and the limits of digital spaces for feminist ideas and activities. A vital intervention at a moment where social media spaces are being transformed in various ways, the book is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the contemporary digital world.

Peer to Peer - Makers of the Other Internet (Director's Cut) (2021)
keywords: Arts & Culture, Capitalism, Indigenous, Media & Technology
Andrew Garton


Language(s): English

What can we learn from poets and coders who engineered a parallel internet that, by 1992, had email servers running in 72 countries? Peer to Peer’ is a deep-dive into data sovereignty and decentralised data flows as described by two generations of information communication rights peers.

The Data Fix with Dr. Mél Hogan podcast | Colonialism, with Ulises A. Mejias and Nick Couldry (2025)
Mél Hogan


Language(s): English

I start the new year with an episode on "data colonialism". I had the great pleasure of speaking with Ulises A. Mejias and Nick Couldry about our contemporary relationship to corporations, about the idea that there’s no capitalism without colonialism (and vice versa), about how human lives are being exploited these days, and about data being a cheap resource. Recorded December 16, 2024. Released January 6, 2025.

No Web Without Women (2025)
Selman Studio


Language(s): English

A collection of innovations by women in the fields of computer science and technology.

Education Technology Society | What is ‘critical’ in critical studies of edtech? (2025)
Neil Selwyn


Language(s): English

Join Neil Selwyn as he talks to experts from around the world committed to new ways of thinking about digital technology and education. Felicitas Macgilchrist (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg) talks about the need to look beyond claims of transformation and novelty, drawing attention to marginalised forms of edtech, and the power of rageful hope.

How to Fix the Internet podcast | Chronicling Online Communities
Electronic Frontier Foundation


Language(s): English

The internet is broken—but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re concerned about how surveillance, online advertising, and automated content moderation are hurting us online and offline, the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s How to Fix the Internet podcast offers a better way forward. In this episode: From Napster to YouTube, some of the most important and controversial uses of the internet have been about building community: connecting people all over the world who share similar interests, tastes, views, and concerns. Big corporations try to co-opt and control these communities, and politicians often promote scary narratives about technology’s dangerous influences, but users have pushed back against monopoly and rhetoric to find new ways to connect with each other.

Digital Futures podcast
Forus for the Civil Society Alliance for Digital Empowerment


Language(s): multilingual

This is Digital Futures, a multilingual podcast series brought to you by Forus for the Civil Society Alliance for Digital Empowerment. A project co-funded by the European Union. This podcast complements a detailed mapping study on the barriers and opportunities civil society faces in internet governance spaces worldwide. Throughout this series, we’ll journey across the globe, connecting with voices at the heart of digital transformation and digital rights. We will start our journey with Karolina Iwańska, the Digital Civic Space Advisor at the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law. We will then journey to Nigeria, where you will hear about the inspiring work of Oyebisi Oluseyi, the Executive Director of the Nigeria Network of NGOs, and Miriam Beatrice Wanjiru, Programmes Officer at the pan-African organisation Paradigm Initiative. The next stop will be Lebanon, where we will find Abed Kataya, the Digital Content Manager at SMEX, an organization that advocates for digital rights in the West Asia and North Africa. Finally, we will take you to Taiwan to meet Linus Lee, the Secretary General of the Taiwan Alliance in International Development. But the journey doesn’t end here. If you speak French or Spanish, we invite you to listen to our five bonus episodes looking at the feminist internet, different definitions of digitalization, digital civic space and different visions of Digital Futures. This exploration will take listeners to Bolivia and Colombia, and onwards to Madagascar, Senegal, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Video Game History Hour podcast
Video Game History Foundation


Language(s): English

Industry expert Frank Cifaldi, Executive Director of the Video Game History Foundation, brings on fellow content creators, game developers, video game historians, and storytellers to teach us a little bit about video game history. Our casual, “chatting over coffee” style interviews let us see the true life of a researcher: bang-your-head-against-a-wall dead-ends, “I can’t believe no one’s told this story before” moments, the thrill of sharing incredible history with the world, and more.

Diasporas Speaking podcast: Heteronationalism and Identity | Women and LGBT+ communities navigating Albanian Digital Spaces (2024)
Rina Limoni


Language(s): English

A trilingual and critical diaspora podcast series chronicling Kosovar, Albanian and Balkan diaspora histories. This episode: Contemporary Albanian identities in both digital and offline spaces are deeply influenced by legacies of war, colonialism, tradition, and modernity. Over the past decade, Albanian social media has increasingly become a platform where heteronormative norms are performed, casting Albanian identity through a heteronationalist lens focused on national heroes and the flag. This idealisation of heteronormative lifestyles reinforces binary notions of gender and sexuality, with digital hetero-activists defending a narrow vision of Albanian identity. An approach that often leads to online hate and violence against marginalised communities and anyone who challenges these norms. However, digital spaces also serve as empowering sites for LGBT + and feminist groups to cultivate their own politics and narratives. These spaces underscore the importance of celebrating LGBT+ and women's histories beyond the constraints of heteronormativity and patriarchy. In this episode, we will speak to Kairo Urovi, Fjolla and Arber Qerka-Gashi about their work, activism and experiences -- to explore how heteronormativity and nationalism intersect in Kosovar-Albanian social media and digital spaces.

Intercultural Futures Podcast
Alison Phipps , Cristina Ros i Sole


Language(s): English

Alison Phipps, Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies and UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Education, Languages, and the Arts in conversation with Cristina Ros i Sole, Senior Lecturer in Education, Goldsmiths, University of London, and Chair of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication.

Vielfalt-Mediathek des Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit
Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit e. V. (IDA)


Language(s): German

Bildungsmaterial gegen Rechts­extremis­mus, Menschenfeindlichkeit und Gewalt. Für Demokratie, Vielfalt und Anerkennung.

Gefangen im Netz – Gute Ideen gegen extreme Ansichten Podcast
Berghof Foundation


Language(s): German

Was tun, wenn Jugendliche in Familien mit stark ausgeprägtem Verschwörungsglauben aufwachsen? Wie sieht der Medienkonsum von Jugendlichen heute aus und wie beeinflusst das den Schulalltag? Welche Rolle spielt Antisemitismus in Verschwörungstheorien und wie kann man ihm als Eltern oder Lehrkraft souverän begegnen? Wir schauen genau hin, nähern uns den Themen durch ein Fallbeispiel aus dem Alltag und suchen dann gemeinsam mit Expert*innen nach guten Ideen gegen extreme Ansichten. „Gefangen im Netz“ – ein Podcast der Berghof Foundation im Rahmen der Projekte „Digitale.Wahrheiten“ und “#vrschwrng”, die im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms „Demokratie leben!“ durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend gefördert werden. Die Veröffentlichung stellt keine Meinungsäußerung des BMFSFJ oder des BAFzA dar. Für inhaltliche Aussagen tragen die Autorinnen und Autoren die Verantwortung.

Anti-Rumour Workshopmodule zur Bekämpfung von Fake News und Desinformation (2024)
Stiftung digitale Chancen

Other type

Language(s): German

Die Anti-Rumour Workshop-Module können von Pädagog*innen und Fachkräften aus der Jugendarbeit in nonformalen Bildungskontexten genutzt werden. Sie sind in 4 thematische Lektionen eingeteilt, wobei jede Lektion vier Module mit mehreren Aktivitäten umfasst. Jedes Modul hat eine maximale Dauer von 45 Minuten. Die Module können entweder frei miteinander kombiniert werden, es ist aber auch möglich, ganze Lektionen chronologisch zu bearbeiten. Die 4 Lektionen lauten: 1. Bekämpfung von Fake News im Zusammenhang mit sozialer Inklusion und LGTBI+ 2. Bekämpfung von Fake News im Zusammenhang mit Umweltbewusstsein und globaler Erwärmung 3. Desinformation und ihre zentralen Merkmal 4. Medienkompetenz – Schutz und Empowernment. Diese Lektionen sind darauf ausgelegt, dass die Teilnehmenden aktiv Strategien zur Identifizierung von Fake News umsetzen und testen, einschließlich realer Fallstudien, Online-Faktenprüfungswerkzeuge, KI-generierter Inhalte, Gruppenaktivitäten usw.

Podcast "Autonomie & Algorithmen: Freiheit im Zeitalter von KI"
Benjamin Paaßen , Christiane Attig


Language(s): German

Systeme der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) sind im Alltag angelangt und besitzen ein großes Potenzial, menschliches Leben und Arbeiten zu beeinflussen. Wie können wir sicherstellen, dass die menschliche Autonomie bei der Nutzung von KI gewahrt bleibt? Dr. Christiane Attig und Jun.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Paaßen laden interdisziplinäre Expert*innen aus der KI-Forschung ein, um Licht in Black Box-Systeme zu bringen und Hörer*innen mit dem Wissen auszustatten, selbstbestimmt mitzudiskutieren und mitzubestimmen, was KI angeht. "Autonomie & Algorithmen: Freiheit im Zeitalter von KI" wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung im Rahmen des Projekts "KI-Akademie OWL" gefördert.

"Off Center" podcast on digital storytelling and its effect on contemporary culture
Center for Digital Narrative , University of Bergen


Language(s): English

Off Center is a podcast series from the Center for Digital Narrative, a Center of Excellence, at the University of Bergen, located in Norway. In each episode, host Scott Rettberg and a guest delve into a topic revolving around digital storytelling and its effect on contemporary culture. The biweekly podcast series brings academic research closer to you in an enjoyable and understandable way, easily accessible on your favourite podcast service. The podcast is produced by Jessie van Balkom.

TikTok: Joy at the Endings and Beginnings of Online Communities with Casey Fiesler (2025)
Jofyul Tech Media Collective


Language(s): English

We are a group of students and responsible tech professionals from around the world building a coalition of diverse voices to dream together how technology can further unite us in joy. In this launch episode, we interview Dr. Casey Fiesler about the evolving TikTok drama. What happens when an online platform like TikTok threatens to disappear? Where is the joy in the endings and beginnings of the social media communities that shape our lives? Dr. Casey Fiesler is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado in the Information Science Department. She researches and teaches in the areas of technology ethics, internet law and policy, and online communities. (She is also an avid TikTok user and influencer).

PADLAS -Interaktive Karte des Kompetenznetzwerks Anti-Schwarzer Rassismus (2024)
Each One Teach One (EOTO)


Das Ziel dieser interaktiven Karte ist es, die Vielfalt und Sichtbarkeit von Organisationen und Projekten zum Thema Anti-Schwarzen Rassismus und Empowerment für Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland zu erhöhen. Durch ihre benutzerfreundliche Plattform sollen relevante Informationen zu diesen Initiativen leicht zugänglich gemacht und eine umfassende Vernetzung in der Gemeinschaft gefördert werden. Zweck Die Karte dient als Instrument zur Stärkung der Gleichstellung und des Engagements gegen Anti-Schwarzen Rassismus, sowie für das Empowerment Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland. Sie ermöglicht es Nutzer*innen, gezielt nach Organisationen und Projekten zu suchen, die sich für diese wichtigen Themen einsetzen, und bietet eine Plattform, um die verschiedenen Aktivitäten und Angebote zu entdecken. Die Karte soll dazu beitragen, Empowerment für Schwarze Menschen zu fördern und positive Veränderungen in der Gesellschaft zu bewirken.

Sociolinguistics of social media with Philip Sargeant (2025)
Olivia Kelly , Philip Sargeant


Language(s): English

An interview with Dr Philip Seargeant discussing how social media changes how we communicate and present ourselves dialogically online. We discuss the complexities of online communication and how social media has changed political discourse, touching on the role of AI.

Addressing the impact of Masculinity Influencers on Teenage Boys A guide for schools, teachers and parents/guardians (2024)
Anti-Bullying Centre , Catherine Baker , Cyberhate and Online Harassment , Darragh McCashin , Dublin City University , Fiona O’Rourke , The Observatory on Cyberbullying

Other type

Language(s): English

This resource aims to provide schools, teachers and educators with guidance on how to address the impact of these online masculinity influencers on young people, particularly teenage boys (aged 13-18), via educational interventions and initiatives, which include having critical discussions with them about this topic. Although this information may not be directly actionable for parents considering one-on-one discussions about this topic with their child, the overall guidance may still be helpful for those preparing for such discussions. Critically, the guidance outlined in this resource recognises that the harmful ideologies, attitudes and behaviours promoted by online masculinity influencers are part of a broader network or ‘ecosystem’ of spaces in our society and culture that have historically maintained and reproduced gendered power dynamics and inequalities (see figure 14). In other words, they are not online only phenomena, but are rather current manifestations of these gendered dynamics and inequalities, which change over time. Therefore, discussions about specific online masculinity influencers in this resource should be taken as a proxy for similar content that may arise in our society and culture in the future. Moreover, this resource cautions against attributing the harms associated with online masculinity influencers solely to digital technologies and social media in discussions with young people about this topic. Instead, it advocates a balanced approach to these discussions, which acknowledges the potential harms and positive benefits of social media in ways that aim to support young people in safely navigating these spaces. This guidance comprises three main sections: • First, it provides introductory information about online masculinity influencers who promote harmful ideologies, attitudes and behaviours, the ‘ecosystem’ that underpins and supports them and the impact they are having on children and young people from all gendered backgrounds, including teenage boys, which is based on secondary research. • Second, it identifies the implications this research has for understanding and responding to the impact these online masculinity influencers are having on children and young people, particularly teenage boys, via educational interventions. • Third, it presents practical guidance to schools, teachers and educators on how to facilitate critical discussions about online masculinity influencers with teenage boys, which may also be helpful for parents/guardians who are preparing to have such discussions with their child/children. Guidelines on how schools can build a culture that promotes healthy, respectful and equitable online and offline relationships, which challenge and change the harmful cultures that underpin and support online masculinity influencers, are also explored.

Podcast "Einwanderungsland" (2024)
Mediendienst Integration


Language(s): German

In this German podcast, in around 20 minutes per episode, you will find facts, background information and classifications on current or controversial migration issues. Clearly explained by experts from science and society for anyone who wants to understand the bigger picture when it comes to migration. Episodes up to now (Dec 2024) have dealt with among other topics: "pull-factors on migration" (episode 1), "10 myths about migration" (episode 4), "costs of migration" (episode 8).

"ReDICo: The Podcast for Digital Interculturality" – Series 1 "Freedom and the Internet" (2024)
keywords: Digital Interculturality, Podcast
Anna Finzel , Bisi Alimi , Fergal Lenehan , Luisa Conti , Roman Lietz , Yolanda López García


Language(s): English

This is the first series of a podcast that examines the topic of "Freedom and the Internet" from a digital intercultural perspective. Episode 1 (with Fergal Lenehan and Yolanda López García) is called "The Patchwork of Platforms"; episode 2 (with Luisa Conti and Roman Lietz) is entitled "The Fundamental Error", while episode 3 (with Anna Finzel and activist Bisi Alimi) is called "Online community-building among the Nigerian LGBTQI+ community".

Automated Decision Making and Discrimination / Algorithmen und Diskriminierung (2022)
keywords: artificial intelligence, automatisierte Entscheidung, algorithms
Algorithm Watch

Other type

Language(s): German

Ein Ratgeber für Beratungsstellen. / A guide for helpdesks. Diese Publikation ist im Rahmen des Projekts AutoCheck – Handlungsanleitung für den Umgang mit automatisierten Entscheidungssystemen für Antidiskriminierungsstellen entstanden. Sie ist eine erste Einführung in die Diskriminierungsrisiken beim Einsatz von automatisierten Entscheidungssystemen. Wir wenden uns mit dieser Handreichung in erster Linie an Mitarbeitende von Antidiskriminierungsstellen in Deutschland. Durch Kompetenzaufbau in diesem zunehmend bedeutsamen Themenfeld sollen sie in die Lage versetzt werden, Risiken besser zu erkennen, einzuschätzen und dadurch in konkreten Diskriminierungsfällen Betroffene besser unterstützen zu können. Darüber hinaus soll diese Publikation auch den von Diskriminierung Betroffenen die Möglichkeit geben, sich über das Thema zu informieren.

Handwerkszeug für Mitstreiter:innen und Verbündete (2024)
keywords: Journalismus, Diversität, Hassrede, Diskriminierung, Diversity-Guide
Die Neuen deutschen Medienmacher*innen


Language(s): German

Als Zusammenschluss von Medienschaffenden mit unterschiedlichen Geschichten, Perspektiven und Wurzeln setzen wir uns dafür ein, den Journalismus in Deutschland vielfältiger zu machen. Sowohl vor als auch hinter den Kulissen, in der Berichterstattung und an den Redaktionstischen. Und damit es nicht bei bloßen Forderungen und leeren Versprechen bleibt, liefern wir das Handwerkszeug gleich mit. Auf den folgenden Seiten sammeln wir unser geballtes Wissen zum Thema Diversität im Journalismus, praktische Anleitungen und nützliche Werkzeuge. Von unserem jährlich aktualisierten Glossar mit Formulierungshilfen und Begriffen für die Berichterstattung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft über unseren Diversity-Guide für Redaktionen bis hin zu unserem Helpdesk gegen Hass im Netz.

Countering online hate speech (2015)
keywords: counterspeech, online hate, hate speech online, counterspeech strategies
Danit; Alves , Gabriela , Gagliardone , Iginio; Gal , Thiago; Martinez

Other type

Language(s): English

The opportunities afforded by the Internet greatly overshadow the challenges. While not forgetting this, we can nevertheless still address some of the problems that arise. Hate speech online is one such problem. But what exactly is hate speech online, and how can we deal with it effectively?As with freedom of expression, on- or offline, UNESCO defends the position that the free flow of information should always be the norm. Counter-speech is generally preferable to suppression of speech. And any response that limits speech needs to be very carefully weighed to ensure that this remains wholly exceptional, and that legitimate robust debate is not curtailed.

ReDICo Educast "Language and Power in Remote Teams" (2023)
keywords: virtual teams, remote teams, power, language, lingua franca, engagement, trust
Hong Van Nguyen , Milene Mendes de Oliveira


Language(s): English with subtitles

How does language reinforce power imbalances in remote teams? And how can multilingualism be used as a resource to empower teams? This educast explores some fruitful strategies.

ReDICo Educast "Cosmpolitanism Social Media Engagement" (2023)
keywords: postdigital, cosmpolitanism, social Media, civic engagement, activism
Hong Van Nguyen , Roman Lietz


Language(s): English with subtitles

How can we counteract fake news and hate speech online? Check out our educast on cosmopolitan social media engagement for some ideas.

ReDICo Educast "What impacts personal engagement?" (2023)
keywords: dialogic facilitation
Hong Van Nguyen , Luisa Conti


Language(s): English with subtitles

What encourages people to engage as participants of a workshop, as members of a team or a community? And what stops them from doing so? Our educast offers suggestions on how you can increase participation in your group.

ReDICo Educast "What is Postdigital Cosmpolitanism?" (2023)
Fergal Lenehan , Hong Van Nguyen


Language(s): English with subtitles

What is cosmopolitanism? What does postdigital mean? And how can these concepts be combined to work on re-imagining a fairer, truly global internet? Tune into our educast to find out!

Presentation: "The Cosmopolitan Promise of Translation Apps" (2023)
keywords: translation, AI , cosmopolitanism
Bernd Meyer , Roman Lietz


Language(s): English

This presentation was part of the ReDICo Online Conference 2023 “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond.” Bernd Meyer (University of Mainz) and Roman Lietz (University of Mainz)

Presentation: "#Turow -Debating the Mine on Twitter" (2023)
keywords: transcultural discourses, social media
Martina Berrocal , Nadine Thielemann


Language(s): English

This presentation was part of the ReDICo Lecture and Discussion Series in Digital Interculturality.

Presentation: "Understanding Socio-Cultural Change: Reflections on Cosmopolitanism & Europeanisation" (2023)
keywords: cosmopolitanism, europeanisation
Gerard Delanty


Language(s): English

Recorded presentations from ReDICo's second conference