Calls & Grants

Calls & Grants
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Whether you are eager to share your groundbreaking research or looking for avenues to engage with the latest advancements in your area of expertise, this section provides a comprehensive repository of calls for papers.

IAIE international Conference "Currents in Education: Navigating Change in Languages, Cultures, and Communities"
deadline: 01.12.2024
category: Event and publication

Currents in Education: Navigating Change in Languages, Cultures, and Communities 9 STRANDS: 1. Intercultural competence and linguistic diversity 2. Language education: teaching methods, differentiated instruction, and individual differences 3. Teacher education for critical thinking, inclusion, and cooperative learning 4. Intersectionality studies: minorities, migrants, inequality, gender 5. Media literacy in education 6. Information and communication technology (ICT) in intercultural education 7. Global issues: sustainability and environmental protection 8. Intercultural education and/at war 9. Intercultural education through literature and the arts

4th Annual Meth@Mig Workshop Between Data and Dialogue: Focusing on Participants in Migration Research
deadline: 08.12.2024
category: Event
keywords: Migration Research, Methodology, Quantitative Methods, Qualitative Methods, Participatory Research
Meth@Mig and Juniorprofessur Interkulturelle Praxis mit dem Schwerpunkt digitale Kulturen

In migration research, as in social research more generally, the role of participants is critical in shaping both the data collected and the knowledge generated from it. Depending on the methodological approach and research question, participants may be seen as mere providers of information, or be involved as more active contributors and co-creators of knowledge. How researchers engage with participants profoundly influences the results, ethical considerations, and validity of studies. This also holds true with respect to long-established qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-mode approaches, but also considering methods building on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and digital behavioral data, where the continuum may run from the collection of digital traces of individuals that are not even aware of being studied to their voluntary, informed data donations.

Fellowships in residence for 2026/27 at Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society
deadline: 15.12.2024
category: Research grant / fellowship / scholarship
keywords: living together, gobalization, plural societies, cultural inventiveness
The Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society

The Leuphana Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and Society at Leuphana University Lüneburg invites applications for 12-month fellowships in residence for 2026/27 starting April 1, 2026 and ending March 31, 2027. The research programme aims at countering a discourse of no alternatives. It fosters engaged scholarship to uncover, support, and multiply modes of social potentialization by questioning existing certainties and therefore activating new possibilities. We invite researchers to investigate the historical, contemporary, socio-cultural, epistemological, political-economic, legal, and technical-scientific conditions of living together in a globalized, entangled world. LIAS in Culture and Society is inspired by the idea of thinking across hemispheres and making plural societies both thinkable and realizable. The inspiration is grounded in ethos of problematization, critical diagnosis of the present, genealogies of contemporary lines of conflict, methodological openness, and cultural inventiveness.

Interkulturelles Forum der deutsch-chinesischen Kommunikation
deadline: 31.12.2024
category: Publication
keywords: Allgemeine Kulturwissenschaft; Angewandte Linguistik; China; Asien- und Pazifikwissenschaften; Linguistik und Semiotik

Es handelt sich um einen laufenden Call for Papers. Einreichungen sind jederzeit möglich. Die Zeitschrift "Interkulturelles Forum der deutsch-chinesischen Kommunikation" (IFDCK) ist ein wissenschaftliches Forum für den Austausch zwischen Forscher*innen der interkulturellen Kommunikation zwischen China und den deutschsprachigen Ländern. Sie ist die einzige deutschsprachige Zeitschrift, die sich hauptsächlich diesem Thema widmet. IFDCK konzentriert sich auf Erfolgsmodelle, Mechanismen, Probleme, Missverständnisse und Konflikte in der interkulturellen Kommunikation. Sie richtet sich an Wissenschaftler*innen, die theoretisch und praxisorientiert arbeiten möchten. Die Zeitschrift veröffentlicht originäre Forschungsergebnisse, die auf Ansätzen der Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft, Erziehungswissenschaft und Soziologie basieren. Sie ist offen für interkulturelle Untersuchungen in Politikwissenschaft, Geschichte, Philosophie, Management, Wirtschaft und Psychologie. Beiträge werden in folgenden Rubriken veröffentlicht: Interkulturelle Wissenschaftskommunikation Interkulturelle Medienkommunikation Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation Interkulturelle politische Kommunikation Interkulturelle Kanonrezeption Zusätzlich können Rezensionen und Interviews mit Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur erscheinen. Die Publikationssprache ist Deutsch, englische Beiträge sind in Ausnahmefällen möglich. Es werden nur Erstveröffentlichungen akzeptiert. Die Redaktion wird von der Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (China) geleitet und die Zeitschrift erscheint zweimal jährlich bei De Gruyter (Deutschland) und der Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (China).

UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities
deadline: 19.02.2025
category: Research grant / fellowship / scholarship

Seventh call in this bilateral collaboration, 2024/2025 The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) are launching a call for proposals for outstanding joint UK-German research projects in the humanities. Both funding agencies want to strengthen international cooperation in the fields of arts and humanities to fund academic research of the highest quality within their own countries, and are aware that some of the best research can only be achieved by working with the best researchers internationally. The scheme will provide funding for integrated UK-German projects. The partner agencies will organise a coordinated peer review and a single joint selection process. Funding will be distributed among the research partners according to scholars’ place of work and, more generally, according to the funding rules of each individual agency. Proposals may be submitted in any area of the humanities, as defined in the research funding guidelines of both agencies. Only proposals whose primary aim is to make fundamental advances in human knowledge in the relevant fields may be submitted in response to the call for proposals. Applicants who are uncertain whether their proposal would be eligible should contact the relevant agencies for clarification. Projects must have well-defined joint working programmes that are clearly demonstrating the added value of UK-German collaboration. We expect that each partner substantially contributes to the common project; this also includes taking on organisational responsibilities. Immediate resubmission of unsuccessful proposals from one call to the next is not permitted, but is acceptable for future calls. Applicants who were not successful under the last call may submit different proposals for this call. The duration of the projects will normally be – and must not exceed – three years. Successful projects will be expected to start in early 2026. The UK component may seek up to £420,000 Full Economic Costs (FEC) to which the AHRC will normally contribute 80% FEC. Projects should be integrated but do not have to be symmetrical in the sense that neither the sums nor the items requested have to be identical on the UK and German sides. However, we would expect the work packages to be delivered in reasonably equal shares. The closing date for this call is Wednesday, 19 February 2025. Proposals under this call will need to be submitted through the DFG’s elan portal (by 11:59 p.m. German time). German applicants should note that if they are using the elan system for the first time, they need to set up an elan account by 12 February 2025 at the latest.

Advances on Societal Digital Transformation- DIGITAL 2025
deadline: 18.03.2025
category: Event and publication
keywords: digital transformation, digital identity, fake news, artifical intelligence, machine learning, Big Data, digital communication

The society is continuously changing with a rapid pace under digital transformation. Taking advantage from a solid transformation of digital communication and infrastructures and with great progress in AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Thinks), ML (Machine Learning), Deep Learning, Big Data, Knowledge acquisition and Cognitive technologies, almost all societal areas were redefined. Transportation, Buildings, Factories, and Agriculture are now a combination of traditional and advanced technological features. Digital citizen-centric services, including health, well-being, community participation, learning and culture are now well-established and set to advance further on. As counter-effects of digital transformation, notably fake news, digital identity risks and digital devise are also progressing in a dangerous rhythm, there is a major need for digital education, fake news awareness, and legal aspects mitigating sensitive cases. DIGITAL 2025 continues a series of international events covering a large spectrum of topics related to digital transformation of our society. We solicit both academic, research, and industrial contributions. We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals. Industrial presentations are not subject to the format and content constraints of regular submissions. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

DFG Fonds für geflüchtete Forschende / Refugee Researchers
deadline: 31.07.2025
category: Research grant / fellowship / scholarship

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) supports researchers who have fled their home countries by making it easier for them to join research projects and apply for funding under the Walter Benjamin Programme. The following requirements must be met in principle: The person has not been outside their home country for more than three years at the time of application and they have residential status in connection with an asylum procedure within the EU and are recognised as being at risk, or in lieu of proof of residency status, they are able to present credible third-party evidence of being at risk no more than 12 months prior to application. This way, the DFG also underlines its solidarity with researchers from Ukraine and Russia who had to flee their home country due to the current war situation triggered by the Russian attack. By integrating them swiftly in the German research system, the aim is to enable them to maintain continuity in their academic work. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) unterstützt aus ihrem Heimatland geflüchtete Forschende durch die Erleichterung der Mitarbeit an Forschungsprojekten und die erleichterte Antragstellung im Walter Benjamin-Programm (Option Walter Benjamin-Stelle). Voraussetzungen: - Die Person darf sich noch nicht länger als drei Jahre außerhalb ihres Heimatlandes aufhalten (Zeitpunkt der Antragstellung) und - Es muss ein aufenthaltsrechtlicher Status im Zusammenhang mit einem Asylverfahrens innerhalb der EU vorliegen, aus dem eine anerkannte Gefährdung hervorgeht oder - Statt eines aufenthaltsrechtlichen Staus muss ein glaubwürdiger Nachweis der Gefährdung von einer dritten Stelle vorgelegt werden, der nicht älter als 12 Monate alt sein darf (Zeitpunkt der Antragstellung). (Information available in German and English. The deadline is just a dummy, the grant is open at the moment)