Creating Spaces for Digital Futures

Date: 09.10.2025 - 10.10.2025
Conference / symposium
Format: onsite
Location: Bochum , Germany
Event Fee: Free

Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS)

The two-day conference „Creating Spaces for Digital Futures“ calls on resear- chers from various disciplines dealing with research questions related to di- gital transformation to delve into, exploring how digital environments can be designed, utilized, and optimized to enhance various aspects of society – now and in the future. The conference will be a space to analyze both macro-level trends and micro-level action, investigating the interdependencies between practices and digital spaces. We will explore perceptions of space and indivi- dual agency within digital environments, as well as the creation of new digital spaces in various contexts. We invite scholars to contribute their insights and research presenting theo- retical, empirical or visionary positions on how these spaces can be analyzed, perceived and designed. More specifically, this conference will focus on, but is not limited to, three specific types of digital spaces, each with distinctive implications, challenges and opportunities: Public Spaces, Learning Spaces, and Data Spaces.

Call for Papers

Creating Spaces for Digital Futures
Deadline: 15.02.2025

View Call for Papers

Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein

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