Intercultural Learning as an Interactional Achievement in a Digital Space

Article / Journal
Mario Antonio Tuccillo
Milene Mendes de Oliveira
Year: 2024
Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities, p.57-78
Keywords: intercultural Learning, interaction, participation, interculturalityLanguage(s): English
Digital spaces offer individuals the opportunity to interact and connect with
others, to engage with more perspectives, and to develop intercultural competence. In this
chapter, we explore processes of learning and participation by newcomers in a team, pur-
suing the goal of becoming fully-fledged members of that community. We observed the
behaviour of a team consisting of four students from a German university and two stu-
dents from a Finnish university, all participating in a number of sessions of an online
simulation game. Particular attention was given to the participation development of the
two students from the Finnish university, positioned as newcomers in the already-estab-
lished team from the German university. We describe interactional practices adopted by
the two newcomers and by the other members which foster participation and inclusion.
Our findings show two learning paths by the newcomers, one in which legitimate par-
ticipation became connected with performing a specific role in the group and another in
which participation meant sharing the interactional routines established in the team.
This case study, based on successful experiences of a remote team, can shed light on the
link between intercultural learning and interactional practices.
Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein