Peer feedback in intercultural online communication: Theoretical and practical considerations for English language teaching


Jennifer Schluer , Yarong Liu

Year: 2024

In R. Lietz, M. Mendes de Oliveira, L. Conti, & F. Lenehan (Eds.), Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt / Language and interculturality in the digital world (pp. 121–154). Forum Angewandte Linguistik (F.A.L.): Vol. 70. Peter Lang.

Keywords: peer feedback, online learning, intercultural communication, digital feedback, feedback competence

In recent years, intercultural online communication (IOC) as well as peer feedback (PF) have attracted increased attention by scholars and practitioners. However, there is hardly any research or theoretical model available that strives to combine these two fields. The present contribution critically reviews the previous literature and raises awareness of the many interrelated and dynami- cally shifting factors that affect PF processes in intercultural online environments. These include (trans-)linguistic and multimodal communicative strategies, aware- ness of sociocultural and interpersonal skills, affective and other individual factors, as well as a critical and purposeful utilization of digital tools. PF literacies in IOC thus require critical language awareness, critical cultural awareness, interpersonal (collaborative) skills as well as critical digital literacy. The proposed model is meant to provide pedagogical guidance for teachers of English as a foreign language to enable successful feedback exchanges among the learners. At the same time, it can be re- shaped and re-negotiated continuously for specific learning goals and learner needs. The chapter closes with recommendations for future research and teaching practice to meet these dynamic demands.

Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein

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