Connected Learning Summit (CLS)

Date: 05.10.2025 - 10.10.2025
Conference / symposium
Format: online
Event Fee: Free

Connected Learning Alliance

CLS was first convened in 2018 with the mission to fuel a growing movement of innovators harnessing the power of emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful, and creative learning. It was launched as a merger between three community events with this shared vision and values: the Digital Media and Learning Conference, the Games+Learning+Society Conference, and Sandbox Summit. With a unique focus on cross-sector connections and progressive and catalytic innovation, the event brings together leading researchers, educators, and developers. The hosting and stewardship of the event has continued to evolve in tandem with the changing conditions of the global pandemic. UC Irvine’s Connected Learning Lab and MIT’s Scheller Teacher Education Program and Education Arcade were the founding hosts of the event. As we have moved online and become a more international event, we are expanding our roster of partners and hosts.

Call for Papers

Connected Learning Summit (CLS)
Deadline: 23.06.2025

View Call for Papers

Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein

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