Towards Postmigrant Social Imaginaries: Transatlantic Perspectives on Intercultural Negociations of Racism, Discrimination & Diversity in Canada & Europe

Category: Event

This symposium aims to create a space for reflecting on the circulation of social imaginaries in the postmigrant society and between postmigrant societies, especially in Canada and Western Europe. We invite researchers from the Humanities and Social Sciences to contextualize their reflections within the broader context of the rise of authoritarianism and the negotiation of minorities’ rights between local issues and transnational echoes. We welcome papers drawing on critical approaches such as, among others, feminist and queer theory, environmental justice, decoloniality and postcolonialism, Black radical thought, and Indigenous studies.

Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien

Deadline: 04.03.2024
Location: Jena, Germany

Event: IKS PhD-Colloquium

Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein

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