Journal Women, Gender & Research Special Issue | (En)gendering the Digital World

Category: Publication

With this special issue, we want to invite feminist scholars from a variety of disciplines, artists and activists to think with and through digital matters (in both senses of the word) from intersectional, feminist, queer/trans, decolonial, and posthuman perspectives. We encourage submissions from junior scholars as well as more experienced scholars. We welcome submissions that deploy radical and experimental methodologies. In addition to academic articles, we also welcome essays and book reviews. Potential themes include but are not limited to, gendered perspectives on: Digital hate (racism, transphobia, the manosphere, etc) - Algorithms, AI and posthuman performativity - Digital labour and/or entrepreneurship - Internet culture (gaming, memes etc.) - Sex, sexuality, and the deplatforming of sex - Feminist and queer perspective on data - Digital activism and solidarities - Technology-facilitated violence and abuse - Body and embodiment - Digital colonialism - Digital Health and care - Death, dying and mourning in digital times - Digital temporalities

Gender & Research) , Kvinder , Køn & Forskning (Journal Women

Deadline: 15.03.2025
Publication-Type: Article / Journal

Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein

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