Digital Territory: Techno-Ecological Struggles in Latin America

Date: 27.03.2024 17:00 - 18:00
Lecture / presentation
Format: online
Event Fee: Free

Global Digital Cultures Research Group Kings College London

Online talk by Dr. Sebastián Lehuedé Digital technologies, and especially Artificial Intelligence (AI), are being promoted as effective tools for climate alleviation. However, the value chain underpinning these developments, as well as their employment in environmental initiatives, do not always align with the ecological visions of local communities. Based on examples of groups resisting a data centre project and lithium extraction in Chile, Sebastián will show how the expansion of 'green tech' is giving rise to struggles concerning what technology can do, and is already doing, to the environment. Rather than an outright rejection to technology, this presentation warns against the use of technology as an excuse to impose elitist ecological visions.

Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein

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