Reimagining Digital Cosmopolitanism: Perspectives from a Postmigrant and Postdigital World


Fergal Lenehan , Roman Lietz

Year: 2025

Keywords: Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science, Media Studies, Internet Studies, Intercultural Communication

Cosmopolitanism remains a multifaceted, widely-used concept. Cultural theory and empirical research have not remained stagnant, and a number of further theoretical and empirically-based concepts have emerged, not least postdigitality and postmigrancy. The »post« in these terms does not denote an end, but rather societal transformation due to and interwoven with both digitality and migration. The contributors to this volume call for new perspectives on the concept of cosmopolitanism, in the light of postdigitality and postmigrancy. The contributions reflect on a theoretical and an empirical level the need to reimagine cosmopolitanism for the twenty-first century.

Post created by: Lymor Wolf Goldstein

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