Location: Jena, Germany
Keywords: Dialogue, inclusion, exclusion, transformation, migration, education
Moto perpetuo. Rapid, curious, engaged. Says tendentially: Yes! and jumps into new adventures. Researcher, eager to learn more, understand deeper, see further. Eager to share privileges, she shares knowledge; willing to make sense of it, she transfers it. The chief pillars of Luisa Conti’s highly interdisciplinary research are communication and education. After her studies at the University of Udine (Italy), she moved to Germany where she became a lecturer and researcher at the University of Jena. Following her PhD, which examined on-line projects related to Intercultural Dialogue and which was undertaken in Jena and Padua, she questioned her Eurocentric perspective by spending research time in Latin America. In the context of the European Project SHARMED (SHARed MEmories and Dialogues) she focused on the power of communication in shaping inclusion/exclusion, while in her studies for ReDICo she re-orients this focus towards the World Wide Web. Furthermore she is also supervising the creation of a participatory, multilingual e-learning platform for the EU-Project KIDS4ALLL (Key Inclusive Development Strategies for LifeLong Learning).