Location: Jena, Germany
Keywords: Postdigital cosmopolitanism, digital interculturality, theory, internet history, cultural studies, Irish-German relations, intellectual history
Researcher. Investigating cosmopolitanism and neo-nationalist discourse, online. Co-edited “Reclaiming the European Street” by Michael D. Higgins, Uachtarán Na hÉireann. Dad. Social Europeanism. Hurling. Likes posting pictures of rooftops. Fergal Lenehan is a researcher who has engaged with intellectual history and cultural studies since acquiring his initial undergraduate degrees at University College Dublin. Following this, he received a PhD from the University of Leipzig and a Habilitation (the German formal post-doctoral qualification) from the University of Jena. He has written monographs on the intellectual engagement with Europe and German media depictions of Ireland. His current work revolves around theories of cosmopolitanism, cyber-utopianism and the platform Twitter. He has just completed the co-editing of, and the writing of the introduction to, the volume Reclaiming the European Street: Speeches on Europe and the European Union, 2016-2020, by President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins.