Fergal Lenehan

Fergal Lenehan

Location: Jena, Germany
Keywords: Postdigital cosmopolitanism, digital interculturality, theory, internet history, cultural studies, Irish-German relations, intellectual history

Researcher. Investigating cosmopolitanism and neo-nationalist discourse, online. Co-edited “Reclaiming the European Street” by Michael D. Higgins, Uachtarán Na hÉireann. Dad. Social Europeanism. Hurling. Likes posting pictures of rooftops. Fergal Lenehan is a researcher who has engaged with intellectual history and cultural studies since acquiring his initial undergraduate degrees at University College Dublin. Following this, he received a PhD from the University of Leipzig and a Habilitation (the German formal post-doctoral qualification) from the University of Jena. He has written monographs on the intellectual engagement with Europe and German media depictions of Ireland. His current work revolves around theories of cosmopolitanism, cyber-utopianism and the platform Twitter. He has just completed the co-editing of, and the writing of the introduction to, the volume Reclaiming the European Street: Speeches on Europe and the European Union, 2016-2020, by President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins.


Digitale Desökonomie Unproduktivität, Trägheit und Exzess im digitalen Milieu
Examining realised and unrealised contacts: theoretical thoughts on digital interculturality
Depicting European federalists in fiction: Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in Bernhard Setzwein’s Der böhmische Samurai (2017) and Heinrich Mann in Colm Tóibín’s The Magician (2021)
Digital Europeanism and extending the literary Europeanist discourse: The Twitter feeds of @PulseofEurope and @mycountryeurope
Meaningful Technologies: How Digital Metaphors Change the Way We Think and Live
Tweeting the World a Better Place Motivations and Values Underpinning the Creation of a Digital Cosmopolitan Persona
Digital Cosmopolitan Flows in the Lifeworld: Categorizing the Labyrinth of Postdigital Cosmopolitanism
Exploring Narratives of Hate and Solidarity on Social Media: The Case of Yalitza Aparicio / Yolanda López García
Foucault, digital
The Coding Prometheus is Blind – Socio-Technological Imaginaries on GitHub
Technologisches Regieren Der Aufstieg des Netzwerk-Denkens in der Krise der Moderne. Foucault, Luhmann und die Kybernetik
Political Participation in the Digital Age An Ethnographic Comparison Between Iceland and Germany
Post-Digital Cultures of the Far Right Online Actions and Offline Consequences in Europe and the US
Reimagining Digital Cosmopolitanism: Perspectives from a Postmigrant and Postdigital World
Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies
Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt / Language and Interculturality in the Digital World
Gerard Delanty (2009): The Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Renewal of Critical Social Theory

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