StrateDie (Strategische Digitalisierung für eine inklusive Schulentwicklung)

Keywords: Digital tools, education, language proficiency, collaboration, agency, participation, discrimination, school, teacher training
People / organizations involved:
Luisa Conti
Virginia Signorini
Jena, Germany
The StrateDie project (Strategic Digitalization for Inclusive School Development) aims to strategically utilize digital tools to ensure the best possible learning experience for all students. The focus is on integrating digital technologies to promote key aspects such as language, communication, and heterogeneity within schools. The project emphasizes the development of multimedia impulses that support teachers in creating and moderating participatory and cohesion-building learning processes. It works closely with teachers, school leaders, school social workers, and expert advisors throughout both the research and design phases. By adopting an inclusive approach, the project seeks to create a school environment where digital tools serve not only as technical aids but also as catalysts for an equal and supportive learning experience. The StrateDie project is supported by the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, as well as the Thuringian Ministry of Migration, Justice, and Consumer Protection, highlighting the political and societal relevance of the initiative.
Duration: 01.08.2023 - 31.03.2026