Social Media and Society: Integrating the digital with the social in digital discourse


Majid KhosraviNik

Year: 2023

KhosraviNik, M. (Ed.) (2023). Social Media and Society: Integrating the digital with the social in digital discourse. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Keywords: digital media, CDA, sociolinguistics, political discourse studies, media and technology, discourse theory, popular culture, feminism
Language(s): English

ocial Media and Society brings together a range of scholars working at the intersection of discourse studies, digital media, and society. It is meant to respond to changes in discourse technologies, i.e. the techno-discursive dynamic of social media discourses. The book critically engages with the digital dynamics of representations around discourses of identity, politics, and culture. Other than its topical focus on highly pertinent discourses, the book aspires to offer some fresh insights into the theory, methods, and implementation of CDS in digital environments. The book can be viewed as part of the developing research framework of Social Media Critical Discourse Studies which seeks to integrate the impact of new mediation technologies on discursive meaning-making with its critical contextualisation. In addition to its strongly global outlook, the book incorporates a wide range of research perspectives including CDA, sociolinguistics, political discourse studies, media and technology, discourse theory, popular culture, feminism etc.

Post created by: Carmen Pereyra

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