Pragmatic patterns and discourses on Twitter: Unpacking perspectives in the discussion of the Turów lignite mine


Martina Berrocal , Nadine Thielemann

Year: 2024

Berrocal, M., & Thielemann, N. (2024). Pragmatic patterns and discourses on Twitter: Unpacking perspectives in the discussion of the Turów lignite mine. Journal of Pragmatics, 224, 20-35.

Keywords: Pragmatic patterns; Functional coding; Czech Republic; Poland; Cross-cultural analysis

Much public debate today is carried out on Twitter (now X), where the participants employ a range of diverse resources to convey their ideas effectively. Disentangling the resources into clear and understandable structures and patterns presents a fresh challenge for discourse pragmatics. This article addresses that challenge methodologically by evaluating existing methods for identifying and classifying pragmatic patterns, revealing their drawbacks, and advocating for a new coding system. This categorizes tweets based on a post's primary pragmatic function (informing, appealing, or expressing emotivity), considering subsidiary functions. The study then applies this new scheme to analyze the Twitter debate on the Polish Turów lignite mine, which became a subject of international dispute as the Czech and European authorities sought the mine's closure to eliminate its negative environmental impact. The debate unfolds mainly in Polish, Czech, and English, each language being associated with a distinct discourse. The English discourse emphasizes a transnational appeal for widespread decarbonization, contrasting with the predominantly oppositional, national political perspectives in the Polish and Czech discourses. These rely heavily on emotivity directed, in the Polish case, primarily against the country's ruling party, and in the Czech one against the deal eventually reached with Poland to mitigate the problems.

Post created by: Nadine Thielemann

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