Location: Siena, Italy
Keywords: audiovisual translation (German-Italian), humor, language of newspapers, health communication, politeness
Fields of research: audiovisual translation, with particular reference to interlingual subtitling, contrastive analysis of the language of the Italian and German mass media, acquisition of reading and writing skills in German as a foreign language by university students, communication in the health sector. Special interest in humour and swear words. Recent publications: (ed. with M. P. Scialdone) (2023), Theodor Fontane 1819-2019. Grenzüberscheitungen zwischen Sprache, Literatur und Medien, De Gruyter, BERLIN/NEW YORK:Walter de Gruyter, (ed. with B. Garzelli and E. Ghia) 2024, Special Issue Humour across Languages and Cultures - Perspectives on Translation from Europe and Beyond - Revue Traduction et Langues Vol 3, Issue 2. p-ISSN 1112-3974; e-ISSN 2600-6235 - DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v23i2; (2024) Aggressive speech acts or expressions of friendliness? Translating taboo words in Fatih Akin's Soul Kitchen (2009) into Italian subtitles in Cadernos de Tradução https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/traducao - ISSN 2175-7968 - doi: https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2024.e99177