Meme audiences: beyond content, circulation, and comments

Category: Publication
Keywords: memes; memes audiences; digital cultures; digital communication; digital literacies
We particularly welcome contributions which address The conceptual messiness of meme audiences: from users to audiences, lurkers, prod-users and/or prosumers? Including but not limited to addressing ‘meme’-as-verb and meme practices: from using to reading, sharing, interpreting, engaging and/or participating. Research methodology and methods to develop the discussion of what in-depth qualitative approaches to meme audiences enable; including but not limited to ethnographic methods inside and outside of digital contexts. The wide variety of meme audience practices and forms of engagement, including their affective engagement with memes and meme-makers. Different meme audience contexts: including but not limited to cultural, social, and political settings, groups and spaces not yet previously explored in the meme studies literature. Meme audience agency and power; including but not limited to user agency within and related to various technical and commercial infrastructures, tools, and platforms. The identity and group-related work/processes of meme audiences; including but not limited to boundary maintenance, othering, cultural and/or political citizenship. Meme audiences’ digital literacies, genre work and/or technical/analytical skills. Such contributions, we believe, will help theorize meme audiences as a distinctly qualitative, in-depth, phenomenon – thus making a vital contribution to meme studies literature.
Special issue of Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture
Deadline: 15.09.2024
Language(s): English
Publication-Type: Article / Journal
Post created by: Carmen Pereyra