The ecological turn in Intercultural Communication: State of the art and avenues for future research

Category: Publication
Keywords: Intercultural communication; ecology; interculturality; ecological collapse; sustainability

This special issue hopes to tease out and strengthen the connections between interculturality and ecology by showing what such a dual focus can bring to light. Specifically, we invite articles engaging with, but not limited to, the following questions and areas of inquiry: How are notions and discourses about culture, identity, community, and borders constructed and mobilized to talk about the ecological collapse? How can a dual focus on interculturality and ecology be used to renew the field of intercultural communication and some of its central concepts such as competence, dialogue or reflexivity? How can a dual focus on interculturality and ecology be applied in research various contexts such as education (e.g. sustainability (language) education), interpersonal relationships (e.g. interspecies dialogue), mediated communication, health etc.? How can the study of interculturality and ecology benefit from and contribute to other lines of work such as decolonial scholarship, environmental justice, pluriversality and post-humanism? What methods and paradigms are particularly useful to explore the interplay between interculturality and ecology? How can the ecological turn in intercultural communication be used to move the field away from the Euro-western-centric production of knowledge and give room to indigenous and marginalized academic voices?

Journal of Intercultural Communication Research

Deadline: 01.09.2024
Language(s): English
Publication-Type: Article

Post created by: Carmen Pereyra

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