Interculture Journal Call for Papers for a Special Issue (May 2025)

Category: Publication
Keywords: Interculturality, Cultural Complexity, Cultural Differences, Relational Paradigm

Embracing a Relational Paradigm to Navigate Cultural Complexity. We invite scholars from diverse disciplines, including but not limited to cultural studies, communication studies, organizational theory, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and philosophy, to contribute conceptual contributions, empirical studies, interviews and reviews that explore a relational view on cultural complexity and its conceptual and practical implications. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: • Mapping the current developments and trends in intercultural communication under the lens of a relational paradigm • Overview of relational concepts in the field of intercultural communication (e.g. Bolten 2020, etc.) • Theoretical frameworks for understanding the creation of shared meaning and action • The role of relational processes in shaping culturally complex events and practices • Strategies for navigating cultural complexity in organizational contexts • Innovative approaches to cross-cultural communication, management and cooperation • Implications of cultural complexity for inter- and transcultural competence and training • The impact of globalization and digitalization on inter-, cross- and transcultural practices • Methodological approaches for studying relational aspects of cultural complexity • Teaching and learning concepts building on a relational view on cultural complexity Submissions should engage with contemporary debates and offer insights into the potentials of a relational paradigm for the fields of intercultural communication, multicultural teamwork or transcultural cooperation. 2024-12-31 Submission of papers 2025-03-31 Feedback based on peer-reviews 2025-05-31 Submission of revised papers 2025-09-30 Publication of the special issue Submission information In the scheduled issue, articles may be published in English, German, French, Spanish or Portuguese as well as in more than one of these languages. The editorial team is therefore accepting abstracts in these languages. Please e-mail abstracts no longer than 300 words to the co-editor Julika Baumann Montecinos, and reach out to her for inquiries or further information, too:

Interculture Journal

Deadline: 30.08.2024
Language(s): English, German, French, Spanish or Portuguese
Publication-Type: Article

Post created by: Carmen Pereyra

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